Beware of US District Court Jury Scams
People are being targeted by phone call, email, and messaging scams threatening them with prosecution for failing to comply with jury service.
In the communications, recipients are pressured to provide confidential data, potentially leading to identity theft and fraud. The scammers threaten recipients with fines and jail time if they do not comply. These communications are fraudulent and are not connected with the U.S. courts.
Persons receiving such a telephone call or email should not provide the requested information and should immediately notify the Clerk of Court's office of the U.S. District Court in their area. Contact information for federal courts may be found through the
Federal Court Finder.
- Federal courts do not require anyone to provide any sensitive information in a telephone call or email.
- Most contact between a federal court and a prospective juror will be through the U.S. mail, and any phone or email contact by real court officials will not include requests for any sensitive information.
- Jury duty is a vital civic responsibility and should be taken seriously by all citizens. However, it is a crime for anyone to falsely represent theirself as a federal court official. The federal Judiciary takes such offenses seriously.
Please see attached file example for the type of document you might see.
For more information from the US District courts, please visit their website at: Downloadable Files:
US District Court Jury Scam Example.pdf